Using a console save on PC is not an official feature of the game, so you might run into issues. Here's an example of a savegame on xbxo 360 (left) and PC (right). If everything went according to plan, you should now have your console save file working on PC.

The process should now be complete, and you can replace the steam savegame with your new DDDA.sav.If you're using a PS3 save, write Data0.dat instead of DD_Savedata. Use this command in command prompt to convert it "DDsavetool -c DD_Savedata DDDA.sav".Copy any PC save file (if you haven't started playing the game yet, just start the game, make sure it saved once, and use that) into the same directory with your console save and the savegame tool.There's many programs made for copying data from xbox 360. Note that if you're familiar with this process, you should use whatever programs you're used to. Once that is done, you need to get the savefile from the DD_SAVEDATA_01 container file.

Here's examples of how to use each command with the tool, and what they do: This is a command line tool, so you need to open up a command prompt instance to use it. And if you want a look at the source code, you can find that here: